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Hearing centers in Barcelona

Let us listen to you and we will create custom solutions for you:

Choose from more than 100 hearing aids the one that best suits you and buy it at the real price.

Add (only if you want) Claso Care, our maintenance plan plus revisions and decide for how long.

Because the best relationships are based on honest and transparent communication, and that's what we want with you!

Any doubts? Write to us and we will help you!


Claso: 30 years of listening to people

Our vocation is to help make the world a little better through our field of expertise: audiology. That is why, after 30 years dedicated to accompanying and listening to people with hearing loss, we have seen enough to want to do things differently.

How? Above all, in Claso, we treat people. We create real relationships with them, based on the honesty of clear, transparent and well explained information. We also do not advise you without first listening to you, otherwise we could not adapt the best option for you.

What we do is always be there, without disturbing, but always ready so that when you need us, you can count on us.

Claso Hearing Center Right Eixample

Claso Hearing Center
Right Eixample

C/ Girona 27
08010 Barcelona
Monday to Friday 9:30 - 13:30h / 15:30 - 19:30h

Phone 93 317 65 50 WhatsApp 608 789 930

Claso Hearing Center Left Eixample

Claso Hearing Center
Left Eixample

C/ València 160
08011 Barcelona
Monday to Friday 9:30 - 13:30h / 15:30 - 19:30h

Phone 93 317 65 50 WhatsApp 655 388 875

Claso Hearing Center Les Corts

Claso Hearing Center
Les Corts

Gran Via de Carles III 57
08028 Barcelona
Monday to Friday 9:30 - 13:30h / 15:30 - 19:30h

Phone 93 317 65 50 WhatsApp 689 567 978

The team of our hearing centers

Mario Pifarré

Mario Pifarré
CEO Audiologist

We are living an exciting moment in the history of the hearing care industry, we cannot miss it. We are committed to the audiology of today and the future.

Ferran de la Concepción

Ferran de la Concepción 
Audiologist & Store Manager

Good hearing aids are meaningless without a good audiologist who understands the specific needs of each person. The really important things are the hearing care services.

Aleix Bou

Aleix Bou
Audiologist & Store Manager

Giving back the pleasure of listening to someone is something that fulfills me, I will never forget my first hearing aid fitting. A pride of profession.

Javier Castro

Javier Castro

After so many years in this profession I'm still learning new things every day, it seems incredible how much hearing aids can do compared to years ago. We are constantly evolving.

Pau Escarabajal

Pau Escarabajal

Reliving the experiences we thought we had lost is reconnecting with life, and our profession is to make it happen.

Sofia Escofet

Sofia Escofet

The day I saw that someone could regain happiness thanks to hearing aids, that day I decided to be an audiologist. Hearing health is a key element for personal happiness.

Javier Bondía

Javier Bondía
Customer support

Serving the public in the healthcare field requires passion and empathy. Having a degree in Psychology helps me a lot in my daily life, where I dedicate all my effort to helping people.

Byron Aracil

Byron Aracil

Music, a good conversation with friends and family, birds in the middle of the forest... There are many things in the world that deserve to be heard. Let's not miss them.

Ana Córdoba

Ana Córdoba

I never imagined this profession would be so exciting. Being able to help people reconnect with their lives is my best discovery.

Why is it beneficial to go to a hearing center?

Visiting your hearing reference center is key to taking care of your hearing health and avoiding possible preventable losses. According to the WHO, more than a billion young people are exposed to hearing loss every day, as they practice unsafe hearing. Usually caused by daily exposure to loud noise. For example, when using headphones for long hours at too high a volume.

For this reason, in our hearing centers in Barcelona, ​​we perform more than 1000 preventive audiometries per year. This test allows us to measure the degree of hearing of people and diagnose, in turn, a possible hearing loss early. In this way, we avoid moderate hearing losses and even preventable cases of severe deafness.

This type of painless test is recommended to be carried out from a very early age, since it is estimated that 2 out of every 1000 newborns have hearing losses that are difficult to detect by families. However, detecting them in time has a significant influence on the communication development of the child.

At Claso we have more than 30 years of experience as a hearing center in Barcelona. Our facilities have the latest technology in audiology, which allows us to perform complete audiometries capable of knowing the exact degree of hearing of each of our users.

It's all quite clear to us at Claso, and so are our assurances:

1. If all you hear is “BLAH BLAH BLAH” when your Hearing Aid Specialist talks, the problem isn’t with you.

We're very aware thet we're dealing with your life, or the life of someone you love. That's why, in addition to being experts, our specialists are also human beings. Because the only way you can be sure you're taking the best decisions is by being skoken to in your language, claerly and plainly.

2. Sorry... no-one here is going to decide for you.

We'll listen to you and advise you on the products, services and attention that best fit your needs, for you to choose for yourself what suits you. That's why, unlike other hearing centers, we keep the price of our products separate from maintenance plan (Claso Care), so that you know exactly what you are paying for and nobody decides for you.

3. We believe good hearing begins by listening to you...

However knowledgeable we are, we can't advise you on the best treatment for you without first knowing what is your need. All our services, hearing aids, specialists, and indeed our attention, are inspired by the need that our customers have shared with us, which we then adapt to your pace and your lifestyle.

4. At Claso your Hearing Loss won’t actually make you lose anything.

Wearing glasses or contact lenses doesn't impair your lifestyle - why should a hearing aid? Part of our job at Claso is to put an end to the presuppositions associated with hearing loss. That's why we don't treat you like a patient, but like a customer leading a fulfilling life, for whom we provide a specific form of support, so you can continue to lead a perfectly normal life.

5. We’re not your mother, but almost.

We'll call you by your name and study your case in depth. We'll be there right away if you have an emergency with your hearing aid. You can contact us whenever you want for wherever you are. We'll follow up and tell you when your next check-up is due. Should you need it, we can talk about your day-to-day life and how hearing loss can affect your life or what to do so that it doesn't. We're not going to do everything for you, but almost.

There's a reason for everything. Which is why our approach to hearing loss is also different:

Your hearing check-up is important. That's why it's free.

Don't be afraid to be honest. Try it for 15 days and if it's not for you, return it cost-free.

Adapting it specifically for you is the key to making sure your hearing aid is as effective as it should be. We'll adapt it to meet your need for free.

Believe it or not, your ear is unique. If you want we can make you a made-to-measure ear mould to ensure your hearing aid is perfectly adapted to you.

You don't buy a hearing aid for fun. You need it. We know that, which is why we have custom financing options of up to 36 month for you.

We don't want you to have to wait to hear better. We deliver in 4-5 working days with a 5.75€ shipping fee, which is free in purchases above 100€.

Frequently asked questions before going to a hearing center

It offers diagnostic tests to know the health of the ear and the degree of hearing loss of the users. These tests are also known as audiometries.

In addition, it offers the hearing solution ideal for each type of loss and person, as well as a maintenance and after-sales service of hearing aids.

At least the first time it is always necessary to go to the hearing center so that we can carry out the complete hearing study and assess the state of your ear. All other subsequent visits can be carried out in person or remotely thanks to teleaudiology.

It is a painless test that measures the degree of hearing of people with a detailed study of their auditory system.

Audiometry It has a duration that varies between 60 and 90 minutes , so it is necessary to book an appointment in advance. The hearing test measures possible alterations in the transmission of sound, the user's discomfort thresholds according to the volume of the sound, the degree of listening through the bone conduction and the ability to understand speech. Here we explain what an audiometry test measures.

Yes. Performing an audiological test can take us about an hour. Therefore, it is important to agree on a day and time in advance . In this way, we will make sure that our audiologists can have enough time to treat your case with full dedication.

For Claso it is very important to listen to our users, as well as their particular situations, since this to us allows us to offer them the solution that best suits them and their lifestyle.

In the event that you only want to know the facilities of our hearing center in Barcelona or you require information about our center, do not It is necessary to book an appointment. Come visit us and we will be happy to assist you.

Our hearing tests are FREE. In the event that the test shows the need to use hearing aids the price of the treatment will depend on the type of hearing aids you need , you can consult our price guide here .

It should be noted that Claso offers the option for the user to decide whether or not to add the Claso Care maintenance and after-sales service, which can significantly lower the cost of treatment.

Hearing centers in Barcelona