Hearing solutions for my child to listen well to the teacher at school

Lack of concentration is the main cause of poor academic performance. Concentration in children, although it is acquired over the years, is something that we should work from a young age to ensure that it is as effective as possible and that their level of learning is not altered. Many times the training of this capacity is limited for different reasons such as a hearing disability or an attention disorder. In that case, we must adapt their learning to their conditions.
Today we are going to talk about hearing solutions that will help your child be able to pay due attention to the teacher, whether or not you have hearing loss. We recommend consulting the problem that your child has with the pediatrician before fitting one of these hearing solutions to later choose the most appropriate option.
There are situations in which hearing aids fail to offer the best performance:
- The place has poor sound conditioning.
- The environment is very noisy.
- The sound source you need to pay attention to is too far away so that the hearing aid can pick it up.
- The child's understanding level is too low.
In these cases we must resort to one of these aids as soon as possible so that hearing loss does not influence its development.
1. Simple microphones
Most hearing aid brands have basic microphones in their catalog. We talk about microphones like SoundClip-A of Bernafon, Micro Mic of ReSound or PartnerMic of Phonak. These microphones can connect to the hearing aids and are attached to the lapel of the speaker's shirt or at the neck. They will send the sender's voice in a range up to 20 meters directly to the listener's hearing aids, reducing noise to ensure the maximum understanding possible. They are useful if you want to capture the voice of a single transmitter.
2. Roger microphones
Roger, manufactured by the Phonak brand, is the most advanced technology in microphones remote to the market. They are also compatible with all brands of hearing aids and cochlear implants. This microphone works in different environments in addition to the basic microphones offered. You can vary between four modes of use: table mode, interview mode, presenter mode, headset mode and sound transmission mode. With this technology all comprehension problems are considerably improved that a person with hearing loss can have in complicated environments. It is also very easy to use and you can take it with you anywhere. Learn about all the benefits that a Roger microphone provides in the next post that we attach to you or on our purchase page Roger microphones.
Roger Focus
This is a Phonak system very similar to the one we used with a child with hearing loss who uses a microphone as a complementary aid. It is a device with the same aesthetics as a behind-the-ear hearing aid that allows normal-hearing children with concentration problems, children with autism, children with auditory processing disorders or unilateral hearing loss are more attentive given that brings verbal sounds directly to your ears and reduces the effects of distance, ambient noise and echo. This device has an integrated volume control so that the child can adapt it to the situation and to their taste, thus achieving greater comfort and maximum verbal understanding. It is proven that with Roger focus technology, children listen better to what the teacher and their classmates say and it helps them to be more participatory in the classroom.
Unlike a hearing aid, Roger Focus does not adapt to hearing loss and for this reason it is not useful to alleviate them. This device is complemented with any of the Phonak brand microphones.
Now you know what the solution is to your child's concentration problems. Being able to hear instructions clearly over the distracting sounds in a classroom can certainly make a positive difference to a child's education and progress. If, even after reading our publication, you still have any questions, you can contact us, we will be happy to assist you.