Claso Audiology opens its third center on the left Eixample of Barcelona

¡Claso Audiology expands!
We have many reasons to feel happy. At Claso Audiología, we have been listening to people for more than thirty years; we were born in Barcelona, in Girona Street, near plaza Urquinaona -where we continue to work with as much dedication as on the first day-, and a few years ago we were able to fly to the charming Balmes Street, above plaza Molina, where the people and sounds of the neighborhood filled us with even more enthusiasm for working for people's auditory well-being.
Well, after settling in right Eixample and Sant Gervasi, we now have great news for you: we have opened a third hearing center!
New destination: the left Eixample in Barcelona
That’s right. After all this time by your side, we are excited to inform you that now you have a new Claso center at your service, in the important and always alive left of Eixample's neighborhood. It is located at 160 Valencia Street, on the corner with Villarroel, just below the Mercat del Ninot and the Hospital Clínic. A new center with state-of-the-art facilities and equipped with the latest technological advances of the audiological industry, but also a hearing-care center where we want you to feel as much at home as you have in our other two centers on Girona and Balmes Streets. By being at your side, we have already managed before to undertake the mission of offering our service to even more people in the city of Barcelona, and now we have achieved that again. In Claso Audiology we are already three!
Closer to you

The center of Valencia Street is five minutes away from the red metro line (Urgell) and three from the blue line (Hospital Clínic), and it is also surrounded by bus stops, taxis and parking lots, so that nothing prevents you from coming to see us! We will continue to be in Girona Street and Balmes Street, of course, but now, in addition, you can find us in this new location, where we will offer you a close and personalized service, based on the knowledge and experience that supports us, such as we have always done.
The truth is that we open with butterflies in our stomachs, enthusiasm and a lot of effort, but with the certainty and tranquility that has accompanied us for more than three decades: that of a job well done, honesty and transparency, and the strength of our commitment to the people for whom we work. Thanks to all this, at Claso we continue to grow, guided by our vocation to be better every day. And with this third center on Valencia Street, we have managed to go even further; or, rather, closer to you.
Coming to see us makes perfect sense

So, as you see… We are celebrating! We promise ourselves that we would do what we could to make dedicated, warm and rigorous hearing care accessible to everyone, and we're succeeding! Not every day dreams like this come true, so we want you to celebrate with us. If you still don't know us and you come to see us at our new center on Valencia Street, we will give you a free hearing evaluation and you will get an exclusive gift for visiting us. In addition, we will offer you a €150 gift voucher per hearing aid and a free 15-day trial so you don't miss out on the opportunity to see that listening well again is worth it; and that it isn’t, by all means, impossible.
As in the rest of our centers, we are open from Monday to Friday, from 09:30 to 13:30 and from 15:30 to 19:30. Book an appointment! We are waiting for you on Valencia Street. We will be delighted to listen to you and to face with you this new exciting challenge.