Hearing aids are not eternal and, at some point, it is time to renew them. As a user, you may want to change your hearing aids for many different reasons: the ones you have do not longer cover the loss as before, you want to be technologically up-to-date, they have a fault that will not be easily solved, you have lost them, there is a new feature that you need but did not exist before ... In all these cases, the time to renew your hearing aids is the perfect opportunity to improve your hearing. A fairly common situation that occurs at the time of renewal is that the hearing care professional recommends a model from a different brand than the one the user has used until then. And, at that moment, the question arises: is it good to change the brand of hearing aids? In this post we would like to give you the answer.

Hearing aid technology is continually changing

To come to a conclusion, it would be interesting to reflect a little on how the hearing aid market works. Main brands live in a continuous technological race to get the product that best suits users and meets their needs. This leads manufacturers to introduce a small revolution every few years, a great novelty that helps them rule the market. Sometimes one manufacturer does it, other times another; sometimes these are merely audiological improvements, other times practicality issues in the day to day. This means that each hearing aid manufacturer has some unique feature that suits a specific type of user and that, probably, they did not have in their own previous models. And in the middle of this mess there is the user with some needs to cover.

Whether or not it is appropriate to change the brand it  precisely lies in that: in your needs.

When you buy hearing aids, you do it based on the needs you want to cover at the time of purchase, this being a very specific moment in the hearing aid market. With the pass of time, it may be that these needs are better covered by another brand thanks to its technological advances. It may also be the case that there is now an option that offers a feature that you previously needed but that, at that time, no one was able to provide. Even your needs may have completely changed. Of course, it is possible that the brand you already use has the answer but, if at the time of renewal, you better cover your needs with another brand, why do not make the change?

No need to fear the change

Change creates uncertainty, but there are times when we miss out on wonderful things because of it.

It is normal to have doubts about the change. Sometimes we are afraid that something new will shake up our world, in which we feel comfortable. And this would make sense even though for many times a small period of change can result in a great improvement in our lives. Of course, in the case of changing the brand of hearing aids we may need a little time to adapt to their new sound, but the result can be a great improvement in our quality of life. In addition, you must bear in mind that you already have a good part of the road traveled and it will not cost you the same as the first time you started wearing hearing aids. You are already used to wearing them, you are already used to listening amplified, you already know how you should manipulate them… So, if you really have the possibility of improving with another brand, don't hesitate and make the change. With a little effort you can achieve spectacular results.

Change should not be a problem as long as it is to improve.

At Claso, we are aware that each person is different. We know that each case is different but we believe that you should not close yourself to changes by definition. We think you should ask yourself if a new brand will bring you some benefit that the one you currently use cannot offer. Simply assess whether the change will be for the better and, if so, go ahead with it. At Claso, we will be present to help you throughout the process.