Your latest technology hearing aid for € 1 a day

With the Claso financing service, you have the possibility of purchasing your latest technology hearing aid from 1 euro a day, including our Claso Care service for 5 years.
We often think that getting started with hearing aids to fix hearing loss is extremely expensive. However, it costs no more than a daily coffee at the corner bar. With Claso's financing service, you have the possibility of purchasing your state-of-the-art hearing aid for 1 euro a day. The useful life of a hearing aid is considered to be around 5 years, just the maximum time in which Claso allows you to finance your hearing aids.
Let's take a clear example that allows us to understand it with the Viron 1 miniRITE T R hearing aid. This rechargeable hearing aid with the option of remote adjustments has a base price of € 799. If we also add the Claso Care service to make sure we have constant accompaniment by professionals for 5 years, it stays at € 1,449. If we divide this by the 60 months in which you can finance your hearing aid, it will be 30 euros per month.
Includes Claso Care to have your hearing aid always ready
As we have mentioned, with 1 euro a day you can include, at the price of your hearing aid, our Claso Care service, which will allow you to always have it ready. This service includes:
- Unlimited hearing studies.
- Unlimited visits with the hearing care professional.
- Manufacturer's guarantee.
- Reprogramming and readjustments according to the evolution of the loss.
- Maintenance includes cleaning of obstructions and molds.
- Repairs, including those not covered by the manufacturer's warranty.
- Manufacture of custom molds.
- Replacement hearing aids during repairs of more than 5 days
- Accompaniment service throughout the life of your hearing health.
State-of-the-art hearing aids for 1 euro a day
The price of the hearing aids with which we work at Claso allows us to offer our clients state-of-the-art hearing aids from 1 euro a day. These hearing aids are rechargeable and allow remote readjustment, anytime, anywhere.
Many of them are also wireless and allow the user to connect it to the different devices with sound that are part of their day to day. For example the smartphone or tablet.
These are some of the latest generation hearing aids that you can buy for 1 euro a day with the Claso Care service guaranteed for 5 years:
- Hearing aid Viron 1 miniRITE T R
- Hearing aid Zerena 1 ITC
- Hearing aid Viron 1 BTE
All of them can be purchased in any of our hearing centers. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be delighted to hear from you.