4 signos de pérdida de auditiva

Many people with hearing loss are not aware of this. As it is a progressive process that varies from person to person, it is a condition that is not detected until it is advanced. Therefore, knowing what the signs of hearing loss are is key to stopping them. Here are some of the ways in which you may notice that you have lost hearing for a rough test. However, you should keep in mind that it is always best to have your hearing checked by a specialist. 

Your lifestyle

Although the first signs can appear at any age, hearing usually gets worse with age. Lifestyle also conditions this: if you have a job in which you are exposed to loud sounds (such as construction, an automobile workshop, etc...) or if you listen to loud music with headphones.

The place where you live also conditions your hearing, as it is not the same to be in the centre of a big city with constant auditory inputs than to live in a mountain village. Whatever your situation, you must take it into account to prevent possible ailments and live accordingly.

Difficulty listening daily

The most imperceptible changes that make a difference are the ones we hear every day. Many times we are not aware of it, for example to hear the television you need a volume that bothers the others or talk too loudly on the phone. Or in a party or noisy environment you can not understand what they say. You may also find that people mumble. Your relationship with people close to you has changed.

Loss daily sounds

The three tones that the ear can detect are low, mid and high. Usually the high tones are lost faster because the external cells are usually the first to deteriorate and we don't realize it. For example, you may have difficulty hearing birds singing or even children. Another sensation that can occur is not knowing where the sounds come from or hearing buzzes that do not come from a particular place

Emotional wear and tear 

Noticing that your health is getting worse often leads to emotional issues, even if you're not aware of it. For example, you may avoid going to parties or meetings with friends because it's too much physical and emotional strain to try to understand a conversation or ask for a few words. Another sign is feeling unsafe in public places because you don't listen well and that means being in a constant state of alertness.

Even if you identify with some of these experiences, it doesn't necessarily mean that you suffer from hearing loss, but it is always advisable to check your hearing health with professionals. You can ask us for information or a no-obligation appointment to check.