Cleaning guide for your hearing aids

Maintaining a hearing aid care routine can help prevent future problems that could interfere with your hearing. For this reason, we insist on carrying out a good follow-up of reviews in the auditory center accompanied by good housekeeping. Right now you may be wondering: What should I do daily to maintain good hearing aid care? You have definitely come to the post you needed. If you continue reading you will find a guide that will resolve all your doubts.
Once your day is over and you are going to remove your hearing aids to go to bed, follow the next instructions depending on your type of hearing aid to perform perfect daily maintenance from home:
Intra Hearing Aids
- Firstly you can wipe the casing with a damp cloth to remove any dirt that may remain adhered. Below we link the purchase link for cleaning wipes and cleaning spray specific for hearing aids that you can use to perform this step.
- Then we attach in this link a cleaning kit in which you can find a brush that you can go over the microphones, located in the outer area of the casing, to remove all the dirt that could be blocking them.
- Use the same brush passing it above the filter to remove any remaining secretions that there may be. If it is too dirty, replace it with a new one. On our website you can find a wide variety of filters.
- If your hearing aid has ventilation, insert a plastic thread (like the one that comes in the cleaning kit mentioned) in this way you will extract all the wax that could be stuck inside.
- We also recommend that you finally use dehumidifiers, click on this link if you are interested in knowing what this device is about. This way you can convert your routine maintenance of hearing aids in a routine of 10.
BTE hearing aids
- Generally clean the entire hearing aid and the mold with a damp cloth to remove any dirt that may remain on its surface. You can make use of cleaning wipes or one cleaning spray, we leave you the links attached to the purchase window so you can purchase them if you are interested.
- Pass a brush like the one we found in the cleaning kit that we attach in this link above the microphones, located in the upper area of the casing, to remove all dirt that could be blocking them.
- If your mold has ventilation, insert a plastic thread (like the one that comes in the cleaning kit we enclosed in the previous step) to be able to extract all the wax that could be stuck inside.
- If the tubes of your BTE hearing aid have hardened, you can change them yourself at home, you simply have to remove them, cut a piece of tube of the same size as the one you were already wearing and put it back.
- Use a blower knob to expel all moisture that may remain inside the tube or mold.
- If you want to make your hearing aid cleaning routine a perfect routine, we recommend that you finally use a hearing aid dehumidifier, click on this link to view all our dehumidifier models.
RIC hearing aids
- Clean the surface of the housing and mold or adapter with a damp cloth. to remove any dirt that may remain adhered. You can make use of cleaning wipes or one cleaning spray specific for hearing aids like the ones we have for sale on our website.
- Pass a brush like the one we found in the cleaning tool kit that we attach in this link above the microphones, located in the upper area of the casing, to remove all the dirt that could be blocking them.
- If you wear a mold with ventilation, insert a plastic thread to extract all the wax that could be stuck inside. In the cleaning kit we mentioned above you can find a perfect tool for this step.
- If you have a standard silicone adapter, remove it and use the brush passing it over the filter to remove any remains of secretions that may be present and if it is too dirty, replace it with a new one. On our website you can find a wide variety of filters.
- For the routine to be perfect, as the last step you must implement the use of dehumidifiers, click on this link to see all the models we have for sale.
Now you know everything you need to know to keep your hearing aids always pristine and as far away from repairs as possible. If you still have any questions, you can contact us, we will be happy to assist you.