Discover all the advantages of Bluetooth hearing aids

We are used to technology advancing at full speed in all aspects of our daily lives, revolutionizing, facilitating and giving us brand new unexpected things, and new ways of doing things!
Well, without a doubt, one of the innovations that is here to stay is Bluetooth; a technological system that allows devices to communicate and transmit data with each other, without the need to use cables. For this reason, in this brief article, we will tell you about all the benefits that hearing aids that have this functional and advanced system can bring you.
More connected to your hobbies
Hearing aids no longer only help us listen well, but also improve the comfort with which we go through life, just like many other technological devices that surround us today. Think of televisions, mobile phones, tablets, computers, and everything that happens inside them: podcasts, audiobooks, videos, songs, movies, tv-shows!... Thanks to bluetooth, the direct transmission of audio to your ears has become a reality.
Wireless connection to your Smartphone: transmit calls directly to your ears.
We will start talking about the Smartphone, of course! It is undeniable that today we go everywhere with our mobile phone, and having hearing aids that can connect to it wirelessly has many interesting advantages, since this allows direct audio transmission to your ears.
Think of everything that can happen on your mobile: music, audio sent by your WhatsApp contacts, videos, the sound of that game of App that you enjoy so much...
And of course, the phone calls. With bluetooth connectivity, every time you call someone, or someone calls you, the voice of the person you are speaking with will sound directly into your ears through your hearing aids, providing you with much greater comfort, understanding and clarity.
The possibilities to improve your daily well-being thanks to your bluetooth hearing aids are endless, as you can see, and sometimes even ingenious! As a curiosity: did you know that there are even simultaneous language voice-translators that you can download in your app store? With this, added to the direct transmission of audio to your hearing aids, when going on a trip to another country you would carry a small simultaneous translator in your ears.
Access to the control App of your hearing aids
In addition, thanks to this direct connectivity with your mobile, you can access the control application of your hearing aids. This means that you have in your hands a "remote control" with which you can increase or decrease the volume, choose the type of loudness that you like, check the battery, change the program so that the hearing aids adapt to different situations such as “restaurant”, “outdoors”, “work meeting”...
Teleaudiology: remote programming
Also thanks to connectivity with your mobile, bluetooth technology has made teleaudiology a reality. Here, at Claso, we were pioneers in Spain by adjusting and programming hearing aids remotely through a simple video call, something that has brought auditory well-being closer to many people who cannot move or who simply prefer these remote adjustments for comfort, use of time or because of the immediacy that these “virtual” visits entail. Thanks to bluetooth, hearing care professionals can make adjustments and programming remotely as soon as you need them. We are within reach of your mobile phone.
Connection to external microphones
All manufacturers have external microphones for those who need an “extra” to improve speech clarity and understanding, for example in social, academic or work environments. Before, to connect to such a microphone, you needed to have a "link" device, a transmitter, for example a neckloop or a remote control. Now, you don't need anything more than your bluetooth hearing aids to get the best speech clarity in any noisy room.
TV sounds clearer than ever
Thanks to a small connector that plugs into your TV, you can also stream the TV's audio directly to your hearing aids. Hearing aid manufacturers have proven many times that this audio transmission, like that of calls, greatly improves the understanding of conversations. In addition, these connectors can also be used in tablets, computers, and even stereos. In short, your hearing aids, thanks to bluetooth, become wireless headphones with maximum fidelity.
At Claso we believe that it is very worthwhile for you to discover all these comforts for yourself, since they would not only make your day-to-day life much easier, but would greatly improve your hearing performance. For this reason, we have dozens of models of hearing aids with Bluetooth connectivity, and we offer a free 15-day trial at any of our centers in Barcelona. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about what this revolutionary technology can do for you! We will be delighted to hear from you.