After a dip in the pool or getting out of the shower that wakes us up every morning we can tell that something is not right. We will tell you what the steps are to remove the water from the ear without damaging them and thus return to normal.

Removing water from the ear before the first symptoms

When water enters our ears, we may not notice anything at first. However, hearing problems can occur later on, and later on it can become a major source of infection, causing headaches, dizziness and nausea.

First of all, let's review those methods that are not recommended at all because they can injure the ear canal or impact the earwax inside the canal.

  • Cotton canes: push earwax and dirt into the ear canal. Irritation, discomfort, and infection are more likely.
  • Insert fingers, tweezers or other specific objects. The skin of the ear canal is extremely delicate and we could injure it without realizing it.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar: so far, there is no evidence of safety and efficacy.

Some people are more likely to generate earwax. In this article we tell you how to uncover the ear the right way.

However, these simple and easy-to-apply tips at home are advisable before the symptoms worsen.

Tilt your head

At the same time, you can hit the back of the head or the other ear with your hand. The goal is to get the water down. You can also jump while holding your head sideways. With the pressure exerted, you will also cause the water to come out.

Slight pressure

Most of us start hitting the opposite side of the head to make the water come out. However, there is a more effective remedy. It is to place the palm of the hand over the affected ear and apply slight pressure. This will create a vacuum effect that will force the water down the ear canal. However, it is important that you do not press too hard to prevent the water from running into the ear canal.

Hair dryer

We all have one in the house and it is capable of evaporating water inside the ear. It is advisable to turn it on at the lowest power and place it at a safe distance, to avoid burns, and leave it for a few minutes. The wind will expel the water or otherwise dry it out.

Lying on your side

This trick is so easy that you'll be surprised how effective it can be, too. You just have to lie down on the affected ear. Gravity will do the rest. You can tilt your head a little to make it parallel to the bed, so the ear canal will be straight and the water will run down by itself.

Water is life but in the ear canal, it better not be present. At Claso we have professionals who are experts in hearing. Come and visit us and we will evaluate the condition of the external auditory canal to find a personalized solution.