What expectations can I have with hearing aids?

We have long wanted to give voice on this blog to the topic of hearing expectations, because one of the first steps to get back to hearing well is to be clear on what you can expect from hearing aids and to know how much your hearing will improve.
The first advice we want to give you is that you should not expect to hear again like when you were 20 years old. But that, neither you nor anyone: loud sounds such as firecrackers and loud music - among many other daily examples - deteriorate the cells of the cochlea - the snail, located in the inner ear, where the nerve impulse occurs an the brain interprets as a sound - which causes our hearing to lose quality over the years.
But what you can expect is that the hearing aids improve your hearing and allow you to communicate as normal, as you did before the loss. It will not be like putting on a pair of glasses, which will make you suddenly see again as if by magic, but the hearing aid will take full advantage of your auditory debris and will allow you to recover sounds that you had stopped listening, amplifying them or transferring them to the frequencies that you do hear.
From here, you will have to adapt to the hearing aids - wearing a device in the ear - but above all you will have to get used to the sounds that will become part of your life. You have to think that you will hear sounds whose frequency you have ceased to hear and may be annoying, such as an air conditioner or your neighbor's parrot. In addition, some sounds, such as voices, will change and at first it may be difficult to recognize the voice of one of your parents or friends. All these changes will make you have to regenerate your auditory memory, and that calls for time. That's why at Claso we offer 30 days free trial period, because it's the time we estimate that you will need to get used to your new heairng.
"But what about auditory memory, how does it work?", you probably are wondering. Listen to this example and you will understand immediately: years ago, before smartphones, Whastapp and voice notes, our own voice seemed very strange to us all, as if it were someone else's; On the other hand, in recent years, thanks to all these devices we have become accustomed to hearing our voice and now we are able to recognize it, because we have incorporated it into our auditory memory.
In short, what we want to make clear is that wearing a hearing aid will change your life but you can not expect to hear back like when you were young. Have patience at the beginning and you will see that when you become accustomed to all the new sounds and regenerate your hearing memory, you will hear very well and you will return to lead your life as you used to do.