How to know if I need hearing aids

Did you know that more than 11% of the Spanish population suffers from some type of hearing loss, but only 30% use hearing aids?
On many occasions we suffer from hearing loss but we do not give it importance. Instead, treating it on time is key to curbing it.
According to the National Association of Hearing Aids (ANA) in Spain there are more than 2 million people with untreated hearing loss. And it is that on many occasions in which we sense that something, in our hearing, is not going well, we do not give it the necessary importance. Therefore, it is important to be attentive to certain symptoms with which we can deduce the need to use hearing aids.
With the spectacles we all have it clear, if we begin to not see well and intuit a loss of vision, we immediately go to the nearest optician or to the ophthalmologist to get rid of doubts and know the state of our sight. On the other hand, the same is not the case with hearing aids. We are capable of losing hearing over time and not going to any specialist to confirm if we need them, or on the contrary we speak of a very mild deafness in which their use would not be necessary.
Symptoms that can warn you of the need to wear hearing aids
On many occasions, the audiologist is consulted on the direct recommendation of the ENT, who in a previous evaluation has already diagnosed deafness and for which the use of hearing aids is necessary. Instead, it is not necessary to go to the ENT for it. There are different symptoms that may be warning us of a hearing loss and it is enough to go to the audiologist to detect it. We detail below the variety of symptoms that could be warning us:

- Need to watch television at too high a volume. It is recommended not to exceed level 15, although this may vary depending on the frequency of the channel or the television brand.
- Constantly asking in a conversation What? While the rest of the participants do not have the need for the speaker to turn up the volume.
- Not hearing certain sounds that other people hear perfectly, such as bells, alarms, or high-pitched beeps.
- Difficulty following a conversation when there is background noise.
- Make a constant effort to understand what is being said.
What should you do if you think you need hearing aids?
If you suspect a possible hearing loss, based on the symptoms detailed above, it is recommended that you go to an audiologist to assess your listening skills. It will be he who will determine the need for hearing aids and if so, the hearing aid that best suits the needs of each one.
If you have any doubts about choosing the most suitable hearing center for you, we recommend using, the new free platform in the sector designed to help families find the most suitable hearing center. We talked about it, in more detail, in this previous post.
If you decide to contact Claso for this, we offer you to perform the first online audiometry. This listening test only takes 3 minutes, you can do it from home and with it you will find out approximately your listening level. With the results, our professionals will contact you to give you an appointment, evaluate the specific problem and recommend the best hearing aids for you.