Is It good to delay the use of Hearing Aids if I already defend myself?

The vast majority of hearing losses don’t happen suddenly. They start slowly, and over time, their effects become more and more noticeable. First you realize that you have a hard time understanding what someone tells you according to whom. Whether in a work meeting or a family celebration, you also notice how you get lost more easily when you’re with several people. Also, all of this is made worse by the fact that there’s a bit of background noise. In short, you begin to perceive that you suffer from hearing loss.
Whether for one reason or another, many people face this situation in a somewhat deceitful way. “Well, I don't always find out but as long as I'm pulling…”. Audiologists usually hear this phrase but this approach is totally wrong. Below, we explain why from two different points of view: your hearing health and your quality of life.
You must stimulate your ears

In simple terms, having hearing loss means that your ears don’t react to everything that sounds below the level of your loss, it doesn’t generate any stimulation in the cells that form them. They need a higher volume to get going. This means that, since you don’t hear a good part of the sounds that you should hear in your day to day, your auditory system is inactive much longer than that of a person with normal hearing. As a consequence of this inactivity, the functioning of your ear degrades. In other words, it atrophies. In addition, hearing loss sustained over time without seeking any solution also degrades the areas of the brain that help you understand language. Its functioning worsens considerably as it doesn’t receive all the sound information it needs to decipher speech sounds. And this circumstance makes the hearing problem even more complicated to solve.
Beyond just helping you hear, hearing aids also do a job of maintaining your ears. By increasing the volume according to your hearing loss, they manage to stimulate your ears correctly, keeping them as active as possible. Your ears are continually being exercised like people without hearing loss and your brain is receiving the correct information to understand speech. In this way, hearing aids help you keep your hearing in shape. Of course, the longer you take to use them, the more difficult it will be to correct your loss.
Why not enjoy life?

You have to be clear that, no matter how much you “defend yourself”, you’re already enjoying many aspects of your life less and you’re even missing out on more things than you think. Think that behind the communication between people a good part of our well-being is hidden. For example, being able to maintain a fluid conversation at dinner with your friends makes you feel more integrated and loved, since you not only listen to them, but listening to them correctly allows you to better express your ideas, opinions, and feelings. Or, from a professional point of view, if you understand everything that is said in meetings, you’ll be able to reach conclusions that help you improve at work. On the other hand, it also helps you to improve coexistence with your peers in aspects such as, for example, enjoying a good movie in company since you stop turning up the volume on television excessively. All this without counting on another fundamental aspect: the fact of having to be very concentrated to understand what you hear causes greater fatigue in physical and mental terms since it forces you to remain in a state of continuous tension.
All these little things from day to day, which together make up the great whole of life, can be improved with the use of hearing aids. Using them allows you to communicate better with the people around you and live in a more rested and relaxed way. At Claso, we believe that "getting by" is not the same as living as you deserve.