When should I use hearing aids?

In general, today we don’t question certain realities about our health. For example, when our eyesight begins to fail, we are fully aware of this fact. We realize that we see much less clearly, we observe in a blurry way that distant poster that we used to see without problems, the lines of a book come together when we have been reading for a while... When the symptoms begin to appear, we know that something is wrong and we end up visiting the ophthalmologist or we go to an optician to have it checked. If they tell us we need glasses, we put them on without hesitation. As a society, we have internalized that we must take care of our eyesight and, if we have a problem, remedy it. Instead, due in part to a lack of information, many people don’t act in the same way when faced with hearing loss. Some of the people who need to wear hearing aids aren’t aware of this. In this post, we want to explain how you can detect if you are losing hearing.
Symptoms of a hearing loss
As before we gave some examples about vision loss, in our day to day we can detect certain signs of suffering from hearing loss. The most common are the following:
- Feeling that other people murmur, speak very softly or do it too fast, having to strain to be able to listen to them or ask them to speak more slowly.
- Hearing that they are talking to you but not understanding part of the message, even having to ask them to repeat what was said or asking a lot "what?" In some cases, this phenomenon only happens with people with certain tones of voice (for example, with women and children). Still, it’s a sure sign that something is wrong.
- Have great difficulty following the conversation in noisy environments, such as a restaurant.
- Turn the volume of the television or radio very high, even when your family or friends complain.
- Not regularly hearing certain acoustic signals such as the doorbell, the telephone tone or the microwave beep.
- Stop listening to sounds of nature such as birdsong or the patter of raindrops.
- Having difficulty understanding telephone calls or having to cover the ear opposite to the receiver to be able to listen.
- In certain cases, it may be that you raise your voice a lot because you don’t hear yourself correctly.
You should bear in mind that the vast majority of hearing losses occur in a staggered manner over time, which makes many people not aware of these symptoms by not appearing suddenly. If you detect any of these symptoms or someone in your environment observes that they are happening to you, it’s very likely that you suffer from hearing loss. In that case, you should visit an audiologist or otolaryngologist to perform a study as complete as possible to check how your hearing is and find a solution. In most cases, hearing aids are a satisfactory solution.
At Claso, we can carry out a complete study with which we can observe the state of your hearing and how it affects you in your day-to-day life. In this way, we can specify the solution that best adjusts your case and which hearing aids are best suited to you. On the other hand, you can also take our online test which, although it’s not a medical test, can give you an approximate orientation on the state of your hearing or you can also contact us for advice. Also, if you still have doubts, keep in mind that you can try our hearing aids for 15 days without any commitment. At Claso, we do everything with the aim that you can enjoy the sounds that surround you again and that you never say a "what?" again.