I have lost my Hearing Aids, what do I do?

It is possible that right now you are panicking because you cannot find your hearing aids anywhere, you have searched everywhere and you are not able to locate them. They may have been dropped somewhere and, like magic, they just disappeared. It may also be that you are just a cautious person and want to anticipate possible events. Whatever your situation, we inform you that you are in the right place.
Certainly, having an oversight and losing hearing aids is not complicated, in fact it is an event that occurs frequently and we know that finding an object as small as some hearing aids can be is not a particularly easy task. For this reason, we started this post recommending you keep calm and wishing you the best of luck so that you find your hearing aids the sooner the better. For this, we have written a guide that you can read in this same publication. Follow all the instructions step by step that we provide to help you locate your hearing aids.
1. Locator in the App
Most hearing aid brands have their own apps to which you can link hearing aids that have connectivity.
In other posts we have already discussed and explained the benefits of linking hearing aids to brand applications Phonak, ReSound and Bernafon and we have also explained the linking process.
Two of these three brands carry the function in the application of “find my hearing aids”, we are talking about the ReSound and Bernafon brands.
In order to access this function you must have paired your hearing aids with the app, so if you have already lost your hearing aids and you did not have them paired, go to the next point, since this will not be useful for you.
This option allows you to observe the last place where your hearing aids maintained the bluetooth connection with your mobile device.
Below we attach some images of how the location is displayed in the aforementioned applications. The application on the left is Bernafon's and the right is ReSound's.
We can also see some bars on the screen that indicate the distance to the hearing aids depending on the strength of the bluetooth signal detected by your phone at that time.
2. Follow your steps
Remember, go back in your own footsteps, look in every corner of the places where you have passed, enter the establishments that you have entered during the day. Think if at any time during the day you have done some sudden movement by which it could have fallen to the ground your hearing aid and go back to where it happened.
You should also assess the possibility that everything is simply a mistake and it really is not that you have lost them, but that you have not remembered to put your hearing aids on and they are at your house saved.
If you've been with someone, ask if they've seen anything that might help locate the hearing aids, if they remember seeing you wearing them, or if they can think of a moment or side you might have missed.
3. Inform the place of loss
If you think you have lost your hearing aids in a store, inform the workers. They may be keeping them as lost and found waiting for someone to show up to claim them.
If employees haven't seen your hearing aids, give them your contact so that if at any time they appear, they can notify you so that you can go look for them. In any case, calling the establishment from time to time to see if they have appeared, it does not hurt.
4. Inform your audiologist
If you don't know where you lost it, avoid buying a new hearing aid immediately, it is possible that the hearing aid appears in a few days and a new one is not necessary. Consult with your audiologist the possibility of fitting a replacement hearing aid in the meantime if necessary.
At Claso, at the time of hearing aid purchase, we offer the loss and theft service so that in these situations you can purchase a new hearing aid at a reduced cost for the first 5 years. If you have contracted the loss and theft service or some other similar service, It has been a great success! Talk to your hearing care professional about getting the service up and running and getting your hearing aids back as soon as possible.
If you are not sure if you have contracted a service for this type of case, contact your hearing care professional to confirm it.
And that's it, now you know how to act when you lose your hearing aids, we hope this post has helped you.