New Leox hearing systems from Bernafon, the most powerful on the market

The new Leox hearing systems from Bernafon are arguably superior. There are many brands and models on the market that can do the job of amplifying sound, but they have little to do with the quality offered by Leox. If you want to know what are some of the advantages of choosing this model, read on.
Why choose Bernafon's new Leox hearing systems?
As stated in the title, the highlight of Bernafon's new Leox hearing systems is their power. They have a loud, clear sound, which will help you hear clearly even in the most complicated environments and will improve your quality of life.
Among their many features, these hearing instruments feature Dynamic Environment Control (DECS) that allows for an immersive experience in different situations. The device receives the sound and automatically transmits it with amazing realism. In addition, it has a very fast processor, so there is no delay.
The differences are especially noticeable when holding a conversation, since it identifies the source and highlights it, making words more understandable, even in environments with high noise levels.
Technology of the new Leox hearing systems from Bernafon
The new Leox hearing systems from Bernafon are a technological breakthrough. They have systems that make hearing easier and provide superior quality. This is the case with the DECS Dynamic Feedback Canceller, which eliminates the annoying beeps that occur when approaching another person.
They also have wireless transmission via Bluetooth compatible with electronic products that have iOS operating system. Transmission with an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch will be fast and stable. And if you have Android, all you need is a simple plug-in accessory, the SoundClip-A.
Why buy Bernafon Leox with Claso?
We've told you about some of the many features of Leox hearing aids, but there are still many more. On the Claso website you can find all the advantages these devices offer. When you see them you will understand why we say they are some of the best hearing aids on the market.
Buying them in our store has advantages. You can benefit from gifts and discounts for disability accreditation. If you have any doubts, you can call us or visit any of our centres.