Discover all the news about ReSound ONE hearing aids

ReSound has just introduced ONE, its new family of hearing aids. This famous manufacturer has always being involved on technologically innovating with the clear objective of making your hearing as organic as possible. Thanks to his revolutionary ideas, nowadays we can enjoy the RIC hearing aid format, the digitalization of hearing aids that allow the precise programming that we now enjoy or the direct connectivity of these with smartphones and accessories, to give just a few examples. If last year they already made history by marketing the world's smallest hearing aid with connectivity, now they are achieving a new advance, bringing usuers closer to the natural hearing of the ears.
For its new ONE hearing aids, ReSound has designed a new microphone system with the aim of taking advantage of the user's own ear and thus achieve a more organic hearing. This new model is a seemingly traditional RIC, with the body of the hearing aid behind the ear and connected to an in-ear receiver. Like all hearing aids, ONE includes two microphones on the body of the hearing aid behind the ear. The big difference is that they include an extra microphone located in the receiver itself that is inserted into the ear called M&RIE. Surely you are wondering what does this microphone contribute? Right now we explain it to you.
Our ears have a purpose beyond holding glasses or wearing beautiful earrings. The shape of our ears allows us to easily locate the origin of sounds. Based on the volume, pitch and time difference between ears, we know where a noise is coming from. In addition, since they are not all the same, they make us listen in a different way than other people do.

Normally, hearing aids use microphones behind the ear to emulate the effects of better hearing but that implies that it is the hearing aids that choose what and how you listen. Instead, ONEs position a microphone, the M&RIE, inside the ear; in the same place where people pick up sound organically. This means that they can take advantage of the shape of our ear to get us to perceive sound just as our ear would. This implies two great advantages. On the one hand, we locate where the sound comes from in a more organic way since it is the shape of our ear that informs us of its origin. On the other hand, it gives us the entire auditory environment that surrounds us, allowing it to be our own brain, and not the hearing aids, who decides what it wants to pay attention to, as it happens with people who do not need hearing aids. Wow!
Of course, beyond this innovative system, ReSound has taken the opportunity to continue improving its hearing aids already existing features: excellent understanding in very noisy environments, an application with more and more options, increasingly wide connectivity with smartphones and accessories. … Without forgetting its strong commitment to remote audiology (or teleaudiology) that allows us to make readjustments from home.
ReSound is a brand that has already revolutionized the hearing aid market several times and it seems that it is going to do it again with the presentation of this new model. ONE is a totally new hearing aid, far from the traditional, which aims to ensure that its users enjoy a more natural hearing, more similar to the organic way of listening. The truth is that with ReSound ONE and their M&RIE microphone they have achieved a breakthrough that will lay the foundations for the audiology in the future. And we will be here to hear it.