What is the PUA Financial Aid?

There should be no barriers to getting a hearing aid, considering that we are talking about health. So, from Claso, we are happy to share this news with all of you.
As every year, we have opened the call for the provision of social care to people with disabilities (PUA), published on July 10 in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya, DOGC No. 8174. ORDER TSF / 117/2020. In this article we are going to answer the key questions you may have on this subject. If you are not familiar with this help, it may be of interest to you or someone close to you who needs to purchase a hearing aid.
What is the purpose of the PUA Benefit?
To live with personal autonomy when there is a physical, psychic or sensory disability, sometimes forces us to acquire certain products or performances that obviously suppose an economic cost. This benefit is born with the objective to contribute to the caused expenses, to improve the quality of life and to foment the social integration of its applicants.
Who is it aimed at?
To people who have a recognised degree of disability equal to or greater than 33% and who meet the established conditions and requirements. In the following link to see the catalogue of the products, you can find more information. As you will see, there is a special mention for hearing aids and two categories are distinguished:
- 1. For people over 16 years of age with a degree of hearing impairment equal to or greater than 33%.
- 2. For people of all ages who are hearing impaired and who also have a language disorder and/or a visual and/or mental disability, which together reach a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%.
When is the deadline for submission?
From July 11 to September 10, 2020, both included.
Is it easy to apply?
Yes, you can do it in person or by mail. You will find the offices with registration where you can submit your application here.
What is the procedure to follow?
Applications must be submitted using the corresponding form, which can be obtained from the offices of the Department of Employment, Social Affairs and Families or via the Internet at this link.
However, due to exceptional circumstances on the occasion of the Covid-19, it is necessary to make an appointment at the Citizen's Advice Bureaux if you wish to apply in person.
More information for the 2020 application on this website.
If you have any further questions during the processing, please contact us so that we can answer them. From here, we encourage you to share this article with those who might like to hear this news.