Get the Hearing Aids Ready for Back to School

The return to school is a moment filled with excitement and anticipation for children. A new school year brings with it the opportunity to meet new classmates, discover interesting subjects, and overcome new challenges.
At Claso Audiology, we want to place special emphasis on those children who face an additional challenge: children who rely on hearing aids to actively participate in class. For them, each day at school may present unique obstacles but also opportunities to grow and learn.
Today, we present a comprehensive guide designed so that, with just a bit of daily time and attention, we can not only make our children’s educational experience easier but also boost their confidence and success in the school environment. We believe that all children deserve the same opportunities to shine and reach their full potential.
Why Should Hearing Aids Be Taken Care of at Home?
Hearing aids are vital for any child with hearing loss, helping them, among other things, to actively participate in class and socialize with their surroundings. Proper maintenance not only ensures optimal functioning but also contributes to the child’s academic and social development. Moreover, keeping hearing aids in good condition is essential to preserving auditory health.
Practical and Quick Tips for Hearing Aid Care
Daily Cleaning
It’s important to clean hearing aids every day to prevent the buildup of wax, moisture, and dust. Here’s a link with step-by-step instructions on how to clean your hearing aids.
Store Them Properly
When hearing aids are not in use, store them in their protective case or place them in the charger. This simple habit can prevent them from breaking or getting lost.
Regular Check-Ups
Schedule regular check-ups with your audiologist to ensure the hearing aids are working properly and are adjusted to the child’s current hearing needs.
Batteries and Charging
Remember to charge them every night without fail, and make sure they have the “green light” every morning. If they are battery-powered, besides changing the batteries regularly, make sure to have spare batteries in their backpack. This will prevent them from being without hearing aids in the middle of class.
Involve Your Child
It’s crucial for children to understand the importance of taking care of their hearing aids. Teach them how to carefully put them on and take them off, as well as how to store them in their case when not in use.
Coordinate with Teachers
Talk to the teachers so they know the basics they might need (changing the battery, turning them on and off, connecting support systems to the hearing aids, etc.). In the following link, we provide a basic guide on how to coordinate with the school regarding your child’s use of hearing aids in class.
Trust Your Audiologist
Keep in mind that sometimes, despite dedication and attention, hearing aids can get damaged, or your child’s hearing may change, causing difficulties in hearing or understanding. So, don’t hesitate to consult your trusted audiologist if you have any doubts or problems.
Maintaining hearing aids will help ensure that children can enjoy a productive school year without complications. By following these tips, you can make sure your child’s hearing aids stay in good condition, allowing them to focus on what truly matters: learning and enjoying school.