Hearing aids for deaf people

What do you think when you hear the expression "hearing aids for the deaf"? This phrase, much more common than it seems, puzzles us a bit at Claso. Since we keep hearing it, we wanted to bring it to our blog to talk about it and share some somewhat misleading views.
For starters, if you have lost your hearing and don't hear as well as before, it doesn't mean that you are completely deaf. It simply means that your hearing has been reduced... but we would like to change the meaning that the word "deaf" often has because it sometimes has a negative connotation that needs to be fought.
The word "deaf" is usually associated with people who hear nothing or have virtually no hearing, although the dictionary covers hearing loss to a greater or lesser degree. But being "deaf" does not have to be an embarrassing or shameful situation. Everyone is the way they are, with their strengths and weaknesses, and that doesn't mean we have to feel that something is wrong. Never!
Just as there are people who need to carry crutches because they have a bad knee or inject insulin because they do not produce it, being "deaf" or "deaf" is just another situation in the life of some people, and that's it. There are also many people who wear braces to correct their teeth and it is something completely normal!
Are there hearing aids for the deaf?
Of course they do! And besides, one of the best news we have had recently is that, as we told you in a previous post, the first small hearing aids for the deaf made of titanium with a discreet, beautiful design, loaded with technology... and that also cover severe hearing loss are now on the market: the Virto B-Titanium by Phonak.
In Claso we have more than 100 different models of high quality hearing aids, made by the most prestigious and leading technological brands, such as Phonak, Bernafon or Resound. We are always faithful to our policy, we have done it for 30 years and we are not going to change it now. But what exactly does it consist of? It's simple: to ensure that our hearing aids have a fair and real price, adapted to each client.
Fortunately, nowadays, everyone who has a problem related to hearing loss has many alternatives. In the market you can find different hearing aids for the deaf. Here is everything you need to know about them.
What are hearing aids for the deaf?

A hearing aid is a device used to amplify and modify sounds to allow you to hear them better. Its use stimulates the brain and helps it to remember sounds that it is not able to hear without the hearing aid.
One of the key factors when choosing a hearing aid for the deaf is to know the degree of hearing loss you have. There are three types and they are expressed in Decibels (dB) or it is also common to refer to them in %, always using the standard average between the most relevant frequencies for speech:
- Mild: from 21dB to 40dB of hearing loss.
- Moderate: 41dB to 70 dB of hearing loss.
- Severe: 71dB to 90dB hearing loss.
- Profound: + 90dB of hearing loss.
This is why hearing screening is so important. Thanks to it, decisions can be made about the type of hearing aid a person needs for their daily life.
Now, in Claso, you can do a hearing test online with all the comforts and from your home. When we have the results, we will contact you to share the results and, if we detect hearing loss, we will begin to assess together what is the best solution.
How can hearing aids for the deaf be classified?
Hearing aids are basically composed of three parts, these are:
- Microphone. It is in charge of receiving the sound emitted around it and transforms the sound signals into electrical ones.
- Amplifier. It is also called processor and serves to modulate the electrical signals and to give them a greater intensity. Nowadays, it is a process that is carried out digitally and automatically.
- Headphone. Its task is to carry the amplified sound into the patient's ear.
Taking into account its format, it is possible to divide hearing aids for the deaf in three classes, these are:
- In-the-ear. They are also called custom hearing aids or intras. They are placed in the ear canal. They are used when the hearing loss is mild to severe. You can find different sizes and also different amplification levels.
- Behind-the-ear BTE. They are placed behind the ear and are attached to a special earmold that is inserted inside the ear. They are used to alleviate mild to profound hearing loss. Today, very discreet models are available in various sizes.
- RIE. They are similar to BTEs, but with one difference: the earphone is placed inside the ear, very close to the eardrum.
Hearing aids for the deaf with severe hearing loss
As in other areas of our health, symptoms are always the signs to look out for to know if something is starting to go wrong. The same is true in hearing. The vast majority of hearing loss occurs in stages over time. This, on the one hand, is positive because if people are aware and see a professional, a solution can be found before it gets worse. However, there are still people who continue to avoid hearing these signals and when they come to our center, they have been living with a severe hearing loss for a long time.
Having the sensation that other people are mumbling, hearing that they are talking to you but not understanding part of the message, having great difficulty in following the conversation in noisy environments or not hearing the sounds of nature such as birdsong or the pattering of raindrops. Life is full of moments that are meant to be listened to because that's how they are enjoyed and you certainly don't want to miss them.
Besides, making the day a reality when you hear all the sounds again is quicker than you can imagine. For example, if after a check-up with us, we detect a severe hearing loss, far from remaining with the glass half empty, we will fill it with reasons to start looking for the best solution and show you the best BTE hearing aids for you.
What we can advance is that this format is usually larger than in-the-ear and, roughly speaking, can also be more powerful. Generally speaking, they are designed to cover any type of hearing loss. From mild to profound hearing loss. However, as we say, it is usually the one that works best for severe and profound losses, as it is able to amplify sound to a greater degree than in-the-ear instruments.
In recent years, the design of these hearing aids for deaf people with hearing loss has been improved, giving them a slimmer and more elegant appearance.
And what are their main advantages?
- Their durability, they are robust and resistant hearing aids.
- The possibility of choosing the type of adapter: custom earmold or universal ear tip.
- Greater sound amplification, especially indicated for profound hearing loss.
- Easy maintenance, care and cleaning.
- Aesthetics increasingly cared for.
In our BTE section you can see all our models. For their performance and value for money, we certainly recommend them. But if you want to make a decision with total security, contact us for a complete hearing test free of charge.
Other characteristics of hearing aids for deaf people
In addition, there is another division that can be made between hearing aids, in this case taking into account the technology of its circuit: analog and digital. Of course, it must be clear that nowadays all hearing aids that you can find in the market are digital and have all their functions automated.
But although they are a very powerful and all-rounder model and there are also other brands that manufacture hearing aids for severe losses, it is necessary to clarify something. In some cases, hearing aids may not be able to do much for people with little hearing loss. Each ear requires your personal attention and study, so if you have doubts about your situation and hearing health, make an appointment for your first check-up or check your hearing aids... and get out of doubt!
Now you know more about hearing aids for the deaf. If you still have any questions, our team of experts will be happy to help you answer them. So, don't hesitate to make an appointment with us, we are waiting for you.
Hearing aids for the deaf with trial period
We end the article thinking the same as at the beginning. Being "deaf" does not have to be a negative connotation and in Claso, we want to change this idea. We will do it day after day. Offering the best solutions and, therefore, hearing aids that bring great advantages to our customers because if there is something important is to improve their quality of life.
In addition, we offer you a two-week trial period so that you can experience the benefits of your chosen hearing aids and see if they are right for you.
Remember: let yourself be heard. You deserve it.