Hearing RSS Feed
Hearing loss is a natural consequence of aging. It can start at 30 or 40 years old. Thus, when we reach 80, half of us will suffer from a significant hearing loss along with social, psychological and physical problems.
26 Feb 2020
It goes without saying that hearing aids are important for all those people who are hard of hearing. We have talked at length about this. The cases that are perhaps not so clear, but, are those in wh..
18 Feb 2020
Serous otitis is a very common disease in children. Sometimes it is completely asymptomatic, while other times it is accompanied by an infection that can cause hearing problems. At certain stages of ..
14 Feb 2020
Itchy ears are a very annoying condition that many people suffer from. It is also known as otic eczema. There are many reasons that can lead to this problem, but the most common is an alteration in th..
29 Jan 2020
Many people are exposed to different levels of noise that are disturbing to them. Sometimes because they are unable to sleep, while other times they are so loud that they can damage their ears. For ..
22 Jan 2020
Tinnitus is a phenomenon that consists of the perception of an uninterrupted sound that does not come from any external source. It is a subjective auditory perception, because the tinnitus exists, b..
20 Jan 2020
An otalgia is an earache that can be felt in any part of one's ear, inner, middle or outer. These conditions are not always related to disease or infection. However, it is necessary that if you feel t..
27 Dec 2019
The most common Eustachian tube dysfunction is tubaritis. If you have not heard before about this pathology of the ear or you have been detected and want to know more details, continue reading. We e..
16 Dec 2019
Poor cleaning of the ears causes a multitude of hearing problems and diseases. Failure to clean your ears properly can lead to permanent hearing loss in the most severe cases. Want to know why good ..
13 Dec 2019
The eardrum is a membrane at the beginning of the middle ear. It is a thin, taut tissue that vibrates when it receives sound waves and transmits sound to the middle ear. Occasionally, strong pressur..
10 Dec 2019
Serous otitis, also called secretory otitis media, is a problem that occurs in the middle ear. It is the accumulation of mucus in the ear, which can lead to problems of varying severity. We will tal..
09 Dec 2019
At Claso we continue with our tireless mission of telling you everything we can about the different ailments, illnesses and injuries related to hearing. Go ahead, we don't do it with any intention o..
05 Dec 2019
The telecoil of hearing aids is a system that allows better hearing in some circumstances. A specific device, called a magnetic loop, transforms a sound signal into a magnetic field that is perceive..