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Hearing RSS Feed

Hearing loss is a natural consequence of aging. It can start at 30 or 40 years old. Thus, when we reach 80, half of us will suffer from a significant hearing loss along with social, psychological and physical problems.

Claso 26 Jan 2024 0 6305
In Catalonia there are two financial aids to facilitate the acquisition of your hearing aids. Today in this publication we are going to talk about one of them, specifically the PAO aid (Provision of O..
Claso 19 Dec 2023 0 6266
“I'm not deaf because I hear, the problem is that I don't understand.” It seems that behind this phrase hides a feeling of frustration due to the loss of hope in fixing the problem and recovering soci..
Claso 02 Feb 2023 0 11054
Ear allergies can be a frustrating problem for those who wear hearing aids. Allergic reactions can cause itchy, red, and even discharge in the ears, making it uncomfortable or even impossible to wear ..
Claso 18 Jan 2023 0 18656
In Spain, as in many other countries, if you have a recognized disability, you have the right to access various benefits that can improve your quality of life: deductions from your family income, redu..
Claso 12 Jan 2023 0 8068
Do you wear hearing aids and experience itchy or irritated ears? There are a few reasons why ears can itch, in fact, whether we wear hearing aids or not. In this short article we explain the possible..
Claso 24 Aug 2022 0 7810
Phonak lleva años brindando autonomía y control auditivo a sus usuarios a través de su App “MyPhonak”. Sin embargo, hace apenas unas semanas ha presentado una actualización que no sólo ha cambiado el..
Claso 20 Jul 2022 0 120823
As hearing professionals, at Claso we have been learning what it means to have hearing loss for more than thirty years. And we do it not only through the performance of our profession and the knowled..
Claso 17 Jun 2022 0 9730
¡Claso Audiology expands! We have many reasons to feel happy. At Claso Audiología, we have been listening to people for more than thirty years; we were born in Barcelona, in Girona Street, near plaza..
Claso 10 Jun 2022 0 5311
The vast majority of hearing losses don’t happen suddenly. They start slowly, and over time, their effects become more and more noticeable. First you realize that you have a hard time understanding w..
Claso 09 Mar 2022 0 7332
Among all the questions that new users ask us, one of the most repeated is whether the ear will become lazy when wearing hearing aids. It is logical that first-time users have this doubt since it is ..
Claso 23 Feb 2022 0 17198
Hearing aids solve many of the daily problems faced by people with hearing loss. You work more comfortably, have interesting conversations with your friends, talk on the phone with a family member, ..
Claso 16 Dec 2021 0 17519
On many occasions, audiologists are faced with cases where the person shows a total (or practically total) hearing loss in one ear while in the other one has a healthy ear. In practice, this means th..
Showing 13 to 24 of 116 (10 Pages)