
Empowering people with hearing loss through technology. With this premise, Visualfy was born in 2016, the Valencian company that invented the Deaf Smart Space (DSS) system. This is a sound detector that transforms them into visual or sensory signals that help them simplify daily processes. As we discussed in the post about alarm clocks for deaf people, IoT (Internet of Things) devices are able to significantly improve quality of life of people with simple ideas.

What is the Visualfy project?

Visualfy started as a simple app that distinguished mobile notifications according to their origin (WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter or calls) and obtained thousands of downloads from 122 countries. From there, the creators began to work on this device thinking of it as a complete solution within the home. We emphasize positively that this project not only seeks to have an impact on an economic way, but also to have an impact on the society, so part of its staff are deaf people. And, being able to develop the product in the United States, they have preferred to do it in Spain and create a productive fabric around health and technology here. 

How does Visualfy work?

The product consists of a switchboard on which the sound detectors installed around different spaces of the house. This smart system is capable of recording different sounds such as a fire alarm, the crying of a baby, the microwave or the doorbell of the house and turning them into visual or sensorial alerts (vibration, for example) that reach the smartphone, some Smart TVs or wearables. The price of this device is 523€ and updates (new alarms, for example) are included free of charge.


IoT devices are not only products but ways of understanding society

In addition, the device also detects sign language so that deaf people can set it up without depending on anyone. And, for us, it is the main claim of the project. The key to these kinds of initiatives that use the internet of things to make life easier for people with hearing loss is to understand what their needs are and rethink the way we build homes or work spaces without thinking about them.  

For this reason, it's essential that these types of projects don't remain only in homes but that these questions are transferred to public spaces such as airports, hospitals or hotels. Building a different future, accessible to all people, is where we work companies that are dedicated to helping people with hearing loss. So now you know! If you are looking for a product with these features do not hesitate to come visit us to explain and demonstrate how it works, in Claso Barcelona you can already find your Visualfy system.