How to remove the plug from my ear

Imagine you have a plug in your ear. Wait a second, maybe you don't have to imagine. If you have come to our article it is because you are looking for information for yourself, that you are living this situation in the first person. It may not be about imagining but it is about remembering something that sounds you because you have experienced it before. Anyway, today we will tell you some tips to avoid that the simple accumulation of earwax increases.
Did you know that our body gets rid of wax when the skin in the ear grows? Also when we speak or move our jaws when chewing, the wax and skin cells move slowly from the eardrum to the ear opening. Right there they dry up and fall off. It's a natural cycle and we don't realize it but it happens all the time.
Normally cerumen does not cause problems, but an excess does. In that case, it can block the ear canal and form plugs in the ears associated with these symptoms:
- Pain in the ears: in the ear canal, where cerumen accumulates.
- Autophony: this is a phenomenon in which you listen to your own voice when speaking.
- Tinnitus: it does not always occur but annoying tinnitus may appear and even be accompanied by occasional dizziness.
- Hearing loss: the most frequent and that tells us that there is a plug in the ears.
Removing an ear plug can be done from home but you have to know how, to avoid complications. It involves softening the wax and removing it without damaging the ear, so we will avoid using sharp objects.
How much less, better
We're talking about cotton buds. Yes, we know: it can be contradictory but the main cause of ear plugs is inadequate or excessive cleaning. We think that with the use of cotton swabs, we manage to clean the ear better or with soap in the area we carry out a more complete hygiene, but what we do is quite the opposite: we generate more wax. Many times it is the own ignorance what leads us to introduce these practices in our day to day, but it is never too late to learn. In addition, when we use them, we are pushing cerumen deep into the ear and, therefore, displacing bacteria from the outside that could cause an infection.
Other remedies to remove the plug from my ear
What about the drops? There are several types on the market that can be effective softening the cap, but they can also cause irritation in people with sensitive skin.
Olive or almond oils soften cerumen. It's common to warm it up to your body temperature and lie on your side. Then try using a dropper to pour the product and stay in that position for 5 to 10 minutes. You can repeat it 2 or 3 times a day to soften it well.
The best remedy is behind this question: how would you clean another part of the body? You'll probably answer with a cloth, won't you? Well, when we refer to the ear, too. A soft, slightly damp cloth with a little soap is the perfect ally. The simplest can be the most effective.
If the plug persists, there are other medical treatments such as microsuction. Through a device, the cerumen that blocks the ear is aspirated. It is an effective technique for patients who often have earplugs.
And the best part is that you'll always have your doctor to remove that wax build-up if these remedies don't work. The most important thing is not to let the effects go further and act as soon as possible.
We remind you that in this article you will find other tips for taking care of your ear. Hearing health is very important and Claso will not fail to remind you to give it all the attention it deserves.