Link between obesity and hearing loss

Obesity goes beyond being a simple problem that affects aesthetics. It is a serious disease that causes more than 2.8 million deaths worldwide each year.
Regardless of age or gender, obesity and other weight-related problems can have serious consequences for overall health. Associated with the disease itself are ailments such as heart disease, diabetes, vascular, muscular and bone problems... even hearing problems, as recent studies have shown: there is a link between obesity and hearing loss.
A good hearing health is achieved more than with the simple and correct hygiene, it is necessary to pay much attention to our integral health to attack any problem from the origin.
Why are they related?
The ears require a healthy flow of blood and oxygen to function properly, so it follows that the vascular problems associated with obesity itself will directly affect hearing. The heart is forced to use more energy when pumping blood, leaving vulnerable the small hair cells in the inner ear, which unfortunately once damaged, cannot be reproduced or treated in any way. This is known as vasoconstriction: pressure is exerted on the capillary walls of the inner ear and over time it will limit your ability to hear normally.
In addition, as there is a reduction in blood circulation through the body, the ears are affected by being quickly stripped of the nutrients necessary to function properly.
The first symptoms that the patient usually has may be imperceptible, at first those that usually disappear are the highest frequencies of sound, which is why at any first symptom, you should see a specialist.
But not only hearing loss is caused by cardiovascular problems. As mentioned above, there are many conditions associated with obesity, such as diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes should also consider seeing a hearing care professional as soon as possible, as this condition almost doubles the risk of hearing loss.
How to treat hearing problems resulting from obesity?
The first recommended measure is to go to the endocrinologist to treat the problem of overweight. If a healthy weight is achieved, not only the disease but also many of the problems associated with it will disappear.
The doctor will guide a diet to the patient and the process can lengthen in time. In addition, he must begin physical activity, and psychotherapy if necessary.
Sometimes it is also supported with drugs, which help improve weight loss, or surgeries, such as bariatric surgery, which is an effective long-term alternative for treating obesity in cases where dietary plans have repeatedly failed.
As far as hearing problems are concerned, at Claso we always recommend that you place yourself in the hands of specialists who can help and advise you in each specific case to improve the health of your ears.