The importance of after sales service, discover Claso Care

It must be clear that the acquisition of hearing aids is not only the purchase of a product since they will have a great influence on our quality of life. For example, if we buy a television, we can choose different models with different characteristics. In all cases, we will watch television with greater or lesser quality and comfort, but in no case can we consider it to be a decision that will radically change our lives. Instead, hearing aids are a product that can change our lives in an exceptional way. They allow us to socialize more, perform better at work, fully enjoy our hobbies ... In short, they increase our quality of life. Ultimately, that is the main objective of hearing aids and achieving it is based on three simple factors: choosing the model that best suits your case, an experienced audiologist who makes the most of the chosen model and, finally, a good after-sales service that ensures that these two successes can remain in time.
In this post, we will talk about this last factor.
Why do I need an after sales service
Once the hearing aids are perfectly programmed and adapted, the after-sales service begins. This service has two clear objectives:
- Ensure the proper functioning of your devices. Hearing aids need more or less continuous maintenance like any other electronic product. Over time, its components may be deteriorated by use or by other external factors. They can even accidentally break. For this reason, it is important that audiologists regularly check hearing aids with the dual objective of preventing and solving problems. Thanks to the technology that we have in the centers, we can verify their correct operation (even advancing to future breakdowns) and make them a much more thorough cleaning than the user can do at home. In addition, all this can be accompanied by an extension of the guarantee that covers many more circumstances than the manufacturer covers, protecting even more the user as a consumer.
- Adapt your hearing aids to possible changes in your hearing. Hearing loss typically varies over time and hearing aids need to be able to function based on these changes. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out periodic reviews, through audiometries of various kinds, so that the audiologist can observe how your hearing is evolving and reprogram or reconfigure your hearing aids according to your real needs at every moment of your life. If your way of listening changes, the way your devices work should change accordingly. In addition, these reviews also allow us to see if your ears are healthy from a purely physical point of view. In this way, if the audiologist detects any abnormality (for example, the beginning of an infection), he can refer you to the ENT to prevent the problem from escalating.
The advantages of our Claso Care service
At Claso, we always want the best for you and your hearing, although without ever losing sight of our philosophy of listening to you and adapting to your needs. For this reason, at Claso we offer you our Claso Care after-sales service and you have all the freedom to choose how to enjoy it. You decide if you want to hire it, for how long (up to a maximum of 5 years) and in what way. You can, for example, hire 3 years of service and at the end, renew it for a further time. Or hire the 5 years at once. Or hire 1 year and renew it... At Claso, you decide how you want to enjoy our services.
And what does your Claso Care include? You may be wondering. Well, nothing more and nothing less than all this:
- Unlimited hearing studies: we constantly monitor your hearing loss.
- Unlimited visits with your audiologist: explain your doubts or problems and we will solve them for you.
- Extended Warranty: We extend the manufacturer's warranty to cover any repairs you need, beyond what the manufacturer itself covers. If it is not a total loss, we will cover it for you.
- Reprogramming: we make all the necessary adjustments to adapt your adaptation according to the evolution of your hearing.
- Remote adjustments: with hearing aid models that allow it, we can make adjustments to your programming remotely, without you having to go to our center.
- Maintenance: we carry out periodic checks and cleanings to ensure the proper functioning of your hearing aids.
- Repairs: whenever possible, we will carry out the repairs ourselves to solve the fault as soon as possible.
- Custom molds: if you need to renew custom molds or adapters, we will make and adapt them free of charge.
- Replacement hearing aid: if the repair of your hearing aid will take more than 5 days, we offer you a replacement while yours is being repaired.
- Accompaniment service: we will be by your side answering any questions about your hearing or advising you on products that may interest you according to your hearing needs.
As you have seen, after sales service is very important when choosing a specific hearing center. No matter how good your hearing aid is, it will not be useful if it does not adapt to the evolution of your hearing or is not cared for with enough care. At Claso, we are aware of this fact and that is why we offer you the Claso Care service. Thus, you only have to worry about enjoying life, we take care of the rest.