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Claso 21 Sep 2016 0 9106
 In this post we want to talk about the uses and benefits of hearing aids to discover what they can offer and how they can help you. So open your ears!We want to highlight four among all the cha..
Claso 09 Sep 2016 0 23538
 One of the things that will surprise you the most when you wear a hearing aid for the first time, is hearing sounds that you haven’t heard for a long time. Maybe some birds in the distance or..
Claso 26 Aug 2016 0 25522
 Keeping our way to break the silence surrounding the hearing loss world, today we talk about the audiometry. We've all heard about them, but it is worth to stop and clear some respects, becau..
Claso 27 Jul 2016 7 79163
One of the first wonderings we all have when we suspect that we have a hearing loss is: do I have to visit an ENT doctor first or can I go directly to the audiologist? Logic tells us we have to go be..
Claso 04 Jul 2016 0 16297
The very first step for persons with hearing problems to hear well again and recover normality in their lives is to avoid denying its hearing loss. Yes, it seems obvious, but overall it's hard for e..
Claso 27 Jun 2016 0 16325
 Today we break the silence in audiology world. Audiology is a great unknown, both for those who suffer some hearing problem and those who live it from outside. In the backgrou..
Showing 301 to 306 of 306 (26 Pages)